Adattivo Innovation Lab

At Adattivo, we strive to create new ideas, learn new skills and concepts, and push our knowledge in technology. Our Innovation Lab page is a place to highlight our continual efforts to innovate new ways to use the internet in our world of technology through original ideas and projects.

Our Purpose

We want to improve peoples’ online experiences by developing ways to increase positive, social interaction online and creating apps with a purpose that make the world a better place.

Areas of Innovation

Improving social media integration and interaction

Creating consumer apps with a purpose

Tools to turn ideas into online realities

Innovation Projects

Ponder logo


Get real-time, thought-provoking discussions about issues that match the content you are viewing on social media.

Get Ponder for ChromeGet Ponder for Firefox

Dolphin logo


Upcycle old toys easily. Share and trade unused toys for free with people in your community while keeping track of the positive impact it has on our planet.

Currently in development